Benchmarking ALGLIB and other LP solvers

This article provides a benchmark of the ALGLIB linear programming solver and its comparison with other open source LP solvers. See the section contents for an in-depth discussion of ALGLIB's linear programming capabilities.


    1 Solvers tested
    2 Test problems
    3 Results
    4 Downloads section

Solvers tested

The following solvers were chosen for our benchmark:

Test problems

For our benchmark we used a set of 90 problems from the NETLIB test suite. Test problems have from several hundreds of variables to several thousands, with the largest problem having N=13525 variables and M=3000 constraints (fit2p problem).


The plot below shows a total running time for each solver on the test suite:

It is clear that the winners (ALGLIB, HiGHS and CLP) show roughly similar results, whilst GLPK is roughly 2x behind, and lp_solve is 3x behind.

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Download ALGLIB for C++ / C# / Java / Python / ...

ALGLIB Project offers you two editions of ALGLIB:

ALGLIB Free Edition:
+delivered for free
+offers full set of numerical functionality
+extensive algorithmic optimizations
-no multithreading
-non-commercial license

ALGLIB Commercial Edition:
+flexible pricing
+offers full set of numerical functionality
+extensive algorithmic optimizations
+high performance (SMP, SIMD)
+commercial license with support plan

Links to download sections for Free and Commercial editions can be found below:

ALGLIB 4.04.0 for C++

C++ library.
Delivered with sources.
Monolithic design.
Extreme portability.

ALGLIB 4.04.0 for C#

C# library with native kernels.
Delivered with sources.
VB.NET and IronPython wrappers.
Extreme portability.

ALGLIB 4.04.0 for Java

Java wrapper around HPC core.
Delivered with sources.
Seamless integration with Java.

ALGLIB 4.04.0 for Delphi

Delphi wrapper around C core.
Delivered as precompiled binary.
Compatible with FreePascal.

ALGLIB 4.04.0 for CPython

CPython wrapper around C core.
Delivered as precompiled binary.